Plug for Atmanirbhar Electricity with 5KW Off Grid Solar System Installation

With energy efficient appliances & devices having BEE certification, the quality of consumer durables and related products has improved over the years. This is in line with the global ecosystem, however, per unit cost of electricity has seen an upward trend.


solar application


Households bigger than 300 sq. yards (2700 sq. ft.) or SOHOs (small office/home office) are now evaluating on bringing more synergy to their establishment that also includes power supply. Electricity cost is one big element on recurring expense for such places with average monthly bill exceeding Rs. 8,000/-  (average nationally)


Given the potential & location of India on earth the scope to harness solar energy is yet in exploratory stage. However, the early users of this are feeling happy to have taken up the renewable source with minimum hassle.

Why Solar System?

solar energy

Primarily, solar radiations are available to everyone for free!


The larger subject is how to make the best use of this abundant resource?



Solar radiation can be converted into electrical energy through solar panels. Many urban & rural users have started evaluating 5 KVA off grid solar system installation that is sufficient for running all basic needs of a household or a SOHO.

What are the benefits of Solar Panel?

It’s a step towards, ‘Atmanirbhar Bijli’ (Self Reliant Electricity).


Choosing to go off-grid removes concerns like, switching to commercial electricity; higher electricity bills etc. This can be done with the help of adopting solar panel based power generation system that helps necessary power generation for the household or the SOHO. Also this allows 24x7 electricity and further upgrade by choice anytime.


This is a step towards sustainable development  & ecofriendly electricity generation that is good for environment and reduces pollution on a log term basis.

What is Off-grid Solar System?

off grid solar system

As the term off-grid denotes “without grid” i.e. no power from any power distribution company, this system works independently of the grid. This solar system consists of solar panels & related components like inverters, batteries etc., that help in generation of energy through solar radiations (sunlight). The installation location at any premises in this case would be:


1. Solar panels on the roof top

2. Inverter and batteries indoors


Thus, installing an off grid solar system ensures anytime power availability or captive power with zero dependence on any alternate source of electricity.

Installation Area for 5KW Solar System

shark 440W

The size of Shark 440W is 7ft x 4ft. that means it takes approx. 30 sq. ft. per panel. 5KW Solar System would need 11-12 Shark 440W solar panels covering less than 350 sq.ft. whereas traditional solar panels would need 500 sq. ft. of rooftop area.



Solar panels can be installed on rooftop space, and we recommend you to first identify the unused space, like, a south facing wall or water tank. We have various types of solar panel stands such as High Rise, Tin Shade, Wall Mounted, etc.

Backup Time & Necessary Equipment

home loads

A continuous load of a home is 300Watt and maximum load of a home is 2000 Watt. (Considering usage of an AC in summers & a geyser in winters). Ideal load of 5KW Solar Inverter is 80%, i.e. 4000Watt.


To give reasonable backup - 8 batteries would be needed for 5KW Solar Inverter. We can connect 100Ah to 200Ah Battery depending on power cut/ electricity outage in installation area.


e.g. 150Ah capacity has 1300Watt Storage, i.e. 1.3 Units Per Battery. In 5KW Solar System has 10.5 Units Storage in a home. Let’s understand power consumption of a residential home


Daytime load = 40% of Total Consumption & Night Time load = 60% of Total Consumption. Avg. home consumption every day is 6 units per day and big size of home consumption is 15 units per day.

Load Calculation

low consumption load


Light Load: Fans, Lights, TV, Refrigerator, Music System, Mixer Juicer Grinder, exhaust fan etc. the load varies from 5W to 300W per appliance (depending upon the appliance)

 heavy loads

Heavy Load: Iron, Geyser, AC, Microwave, Induction panel, washing machine etc. – The load varies from 500 W to 2500 W per appliance (depending upon the appliance)


Hence a balanced calculation is needed: This load calculation can be also done by going on:

Super High Efficiency Module Customer Review

How to select 5KW or any other solar system?

5kw solar system

Loom Solar has made it effortless when it comes to selection of solar system in online modes -through its own web portal; ; or offline mode through its existing distribution channel of over 2500 retail touch points across India.

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