Can a Welding Machine Run on Solar Panel?

Today, one of the solar consumer called us and said - Can I run welding machine on solar panel? That is new solar application for us. When we discuss in detail, then we found the actual problem of his. Basically, he does not want to investment money in generator as well as also run his welding machine on solar power. I started to research on this application.

Conversation between Consumer & Loom Solar

One of the welding machine owners – Royal Steel Fabricators, Faridabad 

Problem: He wants to run Welding Machine during the day, because workshop operators work during the day. The electricity availables continues in night time. The main problem is power failure. He does want to buy generator, because it has big investment. I am thinking that water pump motor (1/2HP, 1HP, 3HP) can run on solar power, then why welding machine will not run solar power. I was searching on internet of its solution. I found loom solar company contact details on Google and shared my requirement to this company.

This is first application requirement for our company. I was so excited to know its solution. Immediately, I asked Welding machine brand to Mr. Suresh. Jasic is the manufacture of Welding Machine. Then I found Jasic Company details and talk to customer care number. This requirement is also of First Time. My call has transferred to the technical team of Jasic India.  

Conversation between Loom Solar & Jasic

Now, start conversion between Loom Solar Team and Jasic India, so read below:

One of the technical people – Dipankar from Jasic India. I shared all requirements to the Dipankar. He explains about Jasic ARC 250-amp Welding Machine.

How many consumes Jasic ARC 250-amp Welding Machine?

Ans – This machine run 90Amp to 250 Amp. If we run this machine on 250 Amp, it takes 9kVA input size and if we run this machine on 200Amp, it takes 7kVA.

How many unit’s consumer if I run this machine 9-10 hours every day?

Ans – Generally, it is SMPS based machine. It consumes very less power. If you run this machine, it will take 10-12 Units every day.

The weight of this machine is 10kg. Is this machine is operating on one location or multiple location?

Ans – Generally, I observed that most of consumers are using this machine on their shop. So, we can say that this machine will use from one location.

When the electricity goes, then how the customers are using this machine?

Ans – Most of customers have generator. You are the first customer who are thinking about that I will invest money in generator and invest money everyday in diesel. I want to invest money onetime in solar.

For more query, you may contact Jasic Support Number. Here is website address:

Company Website:

The price of Jasic ARC 250-amp Welding Machine is about Rs. 16000 and its consumers 7kW to 9kW load continuously. If we run this machine on high (voltage – 250V), then it consumes 9000Watt (9 Units) and if we run this machine on medium (voltage – 200V), then its consumers 7000Watt (7 Units). The workshop owner say that generally I run this machine on 200V and my electricity bill comes around 400 per month. The problem is that power failure. When electricity goes, my engineers do not work.


This machine is SPMS based which consumes very less power. If we run this machine 9 hours every day, then its consumers 10 units per day and 300 units monthly. This machine generally use across India, such as Jharkhand, Punjab, Delhi, Haryana, and more. In Jharkhand, the power failure is big issue and the people run this machine on Generator. An investment of generator to run this welding machine is Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 50,000 for fuel and maintenance.  That means, the people have to invest Rs. 1,00,000. The people don't want to invest this amount. If the people run one welding machine whole day, the electricity bill comes 2000 to 3000 per month (300 Units)



I got the final conclusion from both conversions


  1. Location where electricity is available in night, but power failure in day time - In this situation, only off grid solution (solar panel, inverter and battery) can run after power failure, but it will very costly. The price of off grid solar system is Rs. 1,00,000 per kilo watt. I don’t think, the people will invest money on this system.
  2. The electricity will very less – In other situation, if we run welding machine whole day and the electricity bill comes Rs. 20003000 per month, then the customer can install AC Module. 1kW AC module can reduce Rs. 1000 per month.

Conversation between Loom Solar & Consumer

When I explain the whole things to the consumer, then he told me, Sir, I think, I run Welding Machine on Grid Power. The reason of not selecting solar power is – Off Grid System is Very Costly to Run Welding Machine? I will not install AC Module because it does not work without grid power and the electricity bill is very less.


Mr. Suresh told me AC Module is the more beneficial where grid power available during the day time, such as Haryana, Punjab, etc.


Thank you so much Loom Solar team who guide me properly


Now, you understand when Solar Power runs Welding Machine. 

1 kw solar panelAc moduleBest solar panelBest solar panel for shopMounting structureSolar batterySolar inverterSolar panel for homeSolar panel price in india 2020Welding machine

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