5 KW Solar Systems Installation at Bettiah, Bihar, Fast Service and Reliable Company

Indian Railway has taken a big step towards clean energy, therefore it has already started installation of solar panels on rooftop of railway stations, coaches and buildings.


Now Indian railway is targeting to install solar system on all small and big size railway platforms to increase use of solar energy.


Prashant kumar singh, Sr. Section Engineer (electrical), East Central Railway, Bettiah Station, Bihar has installed, 5 KW off grid solar system in one of the railway buildings to use of clean energy.


He is very excited to use this clean energy first time as its beneficial, environment friendly, its saves electricity cost and sustainable for 25 years.


Product Details:


  1. Luminous 6KW/96 Volt Solar PCU, Qty 1
  2. Luminous Solar Panel 325 Watt, Qty 16
  3. Luminous RC 18000, 150ah battery, Qty 10
  4. + Installations



Product Installations Video


Loom solar 5 kw installations

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