Maharashtra has the eighth largest installed solar power generation capacity in India. The state’s solar capacity at the end of 2018 stood at 1,311 MW, with solar now accounting for 3% of the overall installed electricity generation capacity. A strong net metering policy in the state would further strengthen the rooftop solar adoption in the state.
Top Electricity supply companies (DISCOMS) in Maharashtra are:
i) Best Undertaking
ii) Tata Power
iii) Adani Power
iv) Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB)
v) Torrent Power
Electricity Rate of Maharashtra State
As per discussion with Mumbai Home Owner, he has shared an electricity rate of Mumbai, Maharashtra. An average electricity bill of Mumbai, Maharashtra is Rs. 13 per units. You can understand easily through below images:
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited
Units | 0 - 100 | 101 - 300 | 301 - 500 | 501 - 1000 | >100 |
Rate ₹ | 3.46 | 7.43 | 10.32 | 11.71 | 11.71 |
Tata Power
Units | 0 - 100 | 101 - 300 | 301 - 500 | >500 |
Rate ₹ | 1.65 | 4.10 | 7.45 | 8.25 |
Best Undertaking
Units | 0 - 100 | 101 - 300 | 301 - 500 | >500 |
Rate ₹ | 1.83 | 4.46 | 7.34 | 8.91 |
Need of Solar Power System in Mumbai, Maharashtra
As per discussion with Mr. Laxman Shinde, an electricity power condition is good. Home owners wants to install solar power system to reduce an electricity bill. He has also share some fundamental home works before installing solar power system.
"If a customer wants to install 2kW Grid Connected Solar System, then firstly he has to check an existing meter capacity. If sanctioned load is less than 2KW, so he should increase sanctioned load capacity, then he should install grid connected solar system.
Technical Specification of Solar Power System
When we are going to install solar power system, we should must know about technical specification of solar panel, inverter, etc.
Approved Net Meter Companies in Mumbai, Maharashtra
LT & Secure Companies meter are approved in Maharashtra state. The price of single phase net meter is Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 25,000 including all process and the price of three phase net meter is Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 30,000 including all charges.
Documents required for Net Meter Connection:
i) Aadhar Card
ii) Latest electricity bill
iii) Photo
iv) Pan Card
v) Net Meter application form
When we apply net meter for grid connected solar system it will take approx. 30 days to 90 days depending on power distribution companies.
Now, if your electricity bill is coming from BestUndertaking DISCOM, you can apply Net Meter from here:
If you are applying through Best Undertaking, click on the link here:
You will get all the details such as application form, net metering guidelines and procedures, draft connection agreement, etc.
For Tata Power, the entire procedure is offline. You will have to visit their office to apply for net metering. You can call or Whatsapp TATA 24 Hours helpline number @ 7045116237. They will help you with the net metering process details.
For Adani Power, click on the web link below for metering agreement with the company. This link lists out the eligibility criteria, compliance requirements, terms & conditions, technical and interconnection requirements, etc.
For MSEB NET METERING click on the link:
Here is the screenshot
You can click on the different PDFs present here according to your requirement. This website lists out procedure for net metering, application form, and the connection agreement.
How to Apply for Net Metering in Maharashtra?
Step1: Search in Google "mahadiscom", and Visit on Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (Mahadiscom) website
Step 2: After opening website, Click on Consumer Portal.
Step 3: After clicking Consumer Portal, you will redirect on Consumer Access Portal. Just you have to click on Quick Access.
Step4: Go to RE Rooftop Net Metering -> Apply for RE Rooftop link.
Step 5: After clicking "Apply for RE Rooftop" and read all basic guidelines.
Instructions for filling the form:
I. Correct Email address and Mobile number is mandatory for OTP. If you want to modify, please Click here.
II. Kindly fill complete and correct information in relevant column.
III. Applicant will be solely responsible for incomplete or incorrect information.
IV. Applicant is requested to note the request id for future tracking of the application.
V. Please provide the correct consumer number, so that your request can be assigned to proper MSEDCL field office.
VI. System will check for outstanding arrears on connection if any. Your application will not be accepted or liable for cancellation at any stage if the connection is default in Arrears.
VII. Application Processing fees (Non Refundable)
a) Low Tension Consumer Rs. 500 for consumer having Sanctioned Load or Contract Demand upto 20 kW and Rs 100 thereafter for every 20 kW or part thereof.
b) High Tension Consumer Rs. 5000/-
VIII. Cost of Net Meter, Generation meter (Source wise) and all costs related to the setting up of the Renewable Energy Generating System shall be borne by consumer.
IX) Application will be submitted only after the payment of processing fees. Till then application can be saved.
X) Application will be automatically cancelled if the Rooftop Renewable Energy Generating system is not commissioned within 6 months from the date of Sanction of application.
Documents to be submitted:
a) If RE Generating system is self owned
1. Technical details of Renewable Energy Generating Station, Inverter and other equipment of System proposed to be installed. (Mandatory)
2. General Power of Attorney in favour of signatory in case of Partnership Firms; certified true copy of the Resolution, authorizing the signatory to deal with the concerned Distribution Licensee,passed by the Board of Directors in case of Companies (as applicable).
b) If RE Generating system is not self owned 1. In addition to above in (a), Third Party Leasing Agreement. (Mandatory)
c) If RE System Capacity is 200 KW and above 1. In addition to above in (a), Electrical Inspector Permission (Mandatory)
You can fill General Details, Technical Details, & Application Details from this link:
ANNEXURE-1 Procedure for Net Metering
ANNEXURE-2 Application Form
ANNEXURE-3 Net Metering Connection Agreement