Pre-Sales Questions

Its easy to do it now, you just go to engineer visit page and register yourself, our solar expert will visit you in 1-3 days

You get your cost recovery in 3 to 5 years and for rest of 20 years you enjoy free of cost Power.

Subsidy is not available now as Government is focussing on Pandemic so Subsidy budget is shifted to critical medical expenses in many states

On Grid System with complete installation, cost you Rs. 1,80,000/- (approx rs. 60,000 per kw) and it can be installed with in 10 to 15 days across India

Each State has different Policy on net metering so we have made net metering process for each state separately in blog section.


Yes, We offer replacement warranty so you get new product on damage items.

Yes, Loom Solar has International shipping facility through FedEx / DHL Courier across the world with promised delivery time of 2-3 weeks.

Yes, GST is included in this and shipping is also free of cost.

Usually, We ship in 7 days across India


We always aim for make sure our customers love our products, but if you do need to return an order, we’re happy to help. Just email us directly and we’ll take you through the process.

Yes, we have local service advisor across India who help you to provide service 365 days. you can also write to us on

We offer 25 years performance warranty on solar panels and 10 years product warranty.

We don't charge any amount if your product is under warrany?


We have tied up with Zest Money and HDFC Bank for EMI facility. So you reach out to our nearest partner or company to avail the loan.

You submit aadhar card, pan card and bank statement to our solar adivisor who confirms loan eligibility.

No, You have to pay 100% advance payment before shipment. You can approach to nearest dealers to COD option.


Yes, We have network 3500+ partners across India who help you to install the product even in villages.

Yes, We provide all accessories with product including nuts/bolts so you can even do it installations yourself

Yes, it is assembled with nut/bolts so you can easily de-construct installation and move to any new location

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